If you are living far from the MSU campus at the time of the exam, beyond a reasonable commuting distance (1 hour drive time) AND not enrolled in a regular MSU course meeting on MSU's campus, you may choose to have your exams administered using an online video proctor. Your enrollment will be verified and if you are in a regular (non-online) MSU course, you must take your exams at MSU (if you are close enough to travel here for classes, you are close enough to take our two exams here). If you do not meet these criteria or wish to take your two exams at MSU, you should enroll in section 730.

If the above criteria are met, you must enroll in section 731. Students enrolled in section 730 will take their exams at MSU.

Hardware requirements for online proctored exams include a modern, good computer equipped with:

Online exams will be proctored by an online proctor/monitoring service called Examity ( All access to examity and your exams will be done in Lon-Capa. In order to arrange for your online proctored exams, you will need to do an initial set-up of the Examity Dashboard. This will be available after open add ends on the morning of May 19 (when it's available, you will receive an email confirming its availability). Initial setup involves two steps as follows:

Scheduling your exams(must have already created a profile)

Taking your exam(must have already scheduled your exam)

EXAMITY student support: 1-855-EXAMITY (1-855-392-6489) select option 1. Examity also offers help via email and chat -- both of these are linked on every examity webpage.

If you are taking a regular, non-online class meeting at MSU during the session (i.e. PHY 251), you must take your exams here at MSU. Missing an exam due to not scheduling your exam through examity will result in a score of 0 for the exam.


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Last updated: May 10, 2016